The RocketplaneŽ XP Vehicle is a six-seat fighter-sized vehicle fitted with a high performance wing and a T-tail which provide good flight characteristics both subsonically and supersonically. The cabin environment is designed to maintain a comfortable temperature and pressure for the occupants while providing an excellent view of the Earth from space. It is constructed with many of the same systems as a normal jet aircraft, but also includes features required for its flight into space including its rocket engine, reaction control system (RCS), and internal air supply.
The vehicle is powered by both turbojet engines and a rocket engine, enabling it to accelerate to speeds just over 3,500 feet per second (2,386 miles per hour) and reach altitudes in excess of 330,000 feet (100 kilometers) providing the sensation of weightlessness for three to four minutes!
The XP will operate from ordinary airfields within the well-established rules and practices for experimental aircraft.
General Characteristics
- Length: 44 feet
- Diameter: 5.6 feet
- GTOW: 20,000 lbs
- Crew Environment: Pressurized cabin to ~10 psi
- Payload Capacity: 5 passengers
- No. Jet Engines: 2
- No. of Rocket Engines: 1
- Rocket Propellant: LOX / Kerosene
- Nominal Rocket Thrust: 36,000 lbs